Friday, November 4, 2011

I am AWESOME at chopsticks!

It's true. Just kidding, it's probably not true. But I think I'm a lot better than I was when I first came here! Hurray!

Yesterday, (Thursday) was market day again. Didn't take many pictures, but I did buy some things including a pair of leggings and a tea set, both of which I am so excited about!
My baby!

Lunch: Dol Sat Bi Bim Bap
Dinner: Chinese! (very different from Chinese food in America)
Dessert: Ice cream inside a corn husk made out of the same thing as ice cream cones, layered with chocolate on the inside and with little bits of rice and corn in the ice cream. It was the most delicious thing in the world.

Today, I visited Jamie's school again... I got a picture with some of the girls. They were so cute and asked me lots of questions during their passing period. We talked about what musical instruments we played.
I feel so tall! Haha.

Lunch: Squid, Kimchi, Rice
Dinner: Ohyadeok jolim (This stuff was delicious. Squid, lettuce, mushrooms, and peppers in a spicy sauce.)

A couple posts ago I mentioned that Koreans are very resourceful people. I wanted to give you an example of how they are so resourceful.
These pictures are taken right outside Jamie and Miya's apartment. Every spare bit of space is used to either grow or prepare food. Gardens are everywhere.
Drying persimmons off of a balcony.
 Drying seeds.
 Growing a squash plant or something that's hanging between two trees.

There's huge gardens surrounding the apartment, and one of them even has manta rays drying out on a rack.

Yeah, so I thought I'd share that with you guys. Also I'd like to share this song, that I have stuck in my head. YAY K-POP!!!! (Most k-pop is really bad, but catchy, and the choreographed dances are fun and cute. I think Miss A probably are the most talented out of the groups I've seen.)

And I'll leave you with that. Know what song's going to be stuck in your head for the rest of the week? 

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