Monday, October 31, 2011

An update on cute children

Hey hey. So the other day when writing my post on Seorak San I was about to include all of my pictures of little children that I met there, but I had too many and so I decided they needed to go in a separate post. (Great story, Jordan, thanks.) Anyways, here they are.

Sleepy baby bunny! (Little so happy!)

Yesterday, (Monday) I went to Miya's pharmacy for lunch again, and then had tea from Rumorpang. Afterwards, I took the taxi home and then walked from there to Chuam Beach. It was about an hour long walk there, and I hit the beach at the perfect time. There was very few people, and the sun was starting to sink in the sky, so the light on the water and rocks was really warm and very pretty.

The sand was different from any other beach I'd been to. It wasn't rocky like the beaches back home, but it also wasn't as small a grain as some other beaches. I liked it a lot, and walked around barefoot. I also collected some shells because all of them had really interesting patterns on them. I sat on a rock by the water for awhile and read my book, (Yay, Game of Thrones!) until it started getting a little colder and I put my shoes back on and decided to move around a bit. I walked up a trail, which lead to a lookout of the water and the rocks, when Uncle Jamie called and said he was driving by Chuam and was going to go swimming downtown and would I like to explore downtown for awhile? So I went downtown and shopped a little, (didn't buy anything, although there was a really cute pair of shoes) but mainly I saw the cutest baby alive.

Adorable. And I also found proof that even the Android himself uses an iPhone!

Haha. ^^

Breakfast: Cereal
Lunch: Ramen with dumplings
Dinner: Sambap (One of Uncle Jamie's co-teachers wanted to take us and another co-teacher out to dinner as a 'Welcome to Korea!' for me. He was really sweet.)
Dessert: Rice cakes, the cutest and most bland dessert ever. 


  1. Funny that you, a blonde, are taking pictures of cute Korean kids, when here, the Asian students take pictures of my blonde cute kids! (:

  2. I love the Android toting iPhone!

    yay babies.

  3. Those are some very cute kids. And bunnies. I love all the tags you have on your blog. Bunnies...children...beaches....cats.
    Says a lot about you and what you love!
